If you're anything like me, you've been running yourself ragged. School started back up, and whether you have kids in an in-person setting, homeschool setting, or a hybrid, life has not been as usual. Now that we've been up and running for a month or so, we are exhausted.
What usually happens when we get run down is our immune system takes a hit and our mood plummets. Maybe you're already there-- have you been sick? Have you been having trouble sleeping? Snapping at everyone, including yourself? Not feeling like eating the healthiest things you can get your hands on? It's ok. It happens to all of us.
But don't just give up. Get back up again.
Start with the basics: eat nourishing foods. If you just can't cook meals right now, start with a good quality bone broth. My favorite one comes frozen, without a lot of extras in it. Drink it straight from a mug or boil some veggies or noodles in it. Take a good, food-based supplement to bridge the gaps. Get rest. I mean it-- you need more than 4-5 hours of quality sleep each night to stay in fighting shape. If you are struggling to get that--for whatever reason--reach out. I can help you find tools to help your body relax and recharge. And move. Find something you enjoy doing that requires you to move. Get outdoors if you can to enjoy some sunshine. Your body and your soul need it!
This won't be enough for forever, but everything else can wait until you feel like you have your head above water again. Which you will, I promise.