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Marinated Tofu with Roasted Veggies

Once upon a time, the tired princess needed a quick vegan dinner for herself and her prince, since the royal kids were eating leftover pizza. ; ) She found a container of Organic Tofu with a very respectable expiration date hiding in the back of the fridge. Sighing to herself, because she remembered how bland tofu is on its own, she scrolled the magical Google for a way to make it flavorful. After reading a few recipes for Marinated Tofu, she checked her cupboards for available ingredients and whipped up something delicious. Here is what she made:

Marinating that tofu infuses it with flavor, and the quick pan-fry technique makes the edges crispy. It has a firmer texture and so much flavor. And if you have never tried broccolini, add that to your next shopping list and try it pronto. It is so much better than broccoli! I'll share my favorite way to roast it soon.


16oz extra-firm Organic Tofu (I get mine from Sprouts)

4ish Tablespoons of Tamari (or soy sauce if you don't need GF)

3ish Tablespoons of White Vinegar or White Wine

1 Tablespoon of Maple Syrup

1 Tablespoon of Coconut Aminos

2 pressed garlic cloves

1/4 tsp dried ginger or a toothpick swirl of Ginger essential oil

4-5 Tablespoons of avocado oil

2 additional Tablespoons of avocado oil for frying


Quick press the tofu in slices about 1/4-1/2-in thick.

Whisk tamari, wine, syrup, aminos, garlic, ginger, and avocado oil in a small bowl. Taste it and adjust flavor as needed.

Pour marinade in a shallow baking dish big enough for the tofu to fit- I used a 9x13-in dish, and the slices barely fit. Place tofu in a single layer in the marinade to set while you prepare your roasted veggies. ( Flip the tofu carefully with a fork or spatula to soak up all the delicious salty sweet of the sauce.

Start some jasmine rice in the steamer!

In a large, flat skillet, heat the oil over medium heat for frying. When it is hot, place the marinated tofu carefully in the pan (reserve additional marinating liquid for later) and leave it alone for a couple of minutes. Fry until golden on both sides, and the edges have started to crisp up. Remove from heat, and pour the remaining marinade over the top for the tofu to soak up.

Serve with roasted veggies and steamed rice. Don't forget to use the finest china in the castle for this fancy feast. If you or your prince like things spicy, feel free to shower your entire plate with crushed red pepper flakes as seen above. Mere mortals who don't wish to breathe fire can go without.

Oh, I wish I could embed a royal trumpet flourish for the end of this, but alas...

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