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Sweet Potato Chili

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

Is it possible to actually summon Fall with a simple pot of chili? Asking for a friend...who is tiiiiirrrred of the heat and ready to wave goodbye to summer.

Ok, the friend is me. I'm ready for soup weather, cozy nights, and chilly mornings. So, tonight, I'm pretending it's not still 90 degrees out and adding a little extra heat to this yummy chili.

I maaaay have gone overboard in the spice department (my husband will love it!) so tread carefully with the chipotle paste if you like a mild flavor!

The sweet potatoes are so nice in this vegan dish for texture and sweetness, and for some reason make it feel more cozy to me. (Come on, Fall!!) They are a beautiful balance to the spice, the peppers-- they are just the star of the show! Delish.

Here's what you need:

2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and diced

2 cans black beans, drained and rinsed

1 can diced tomatoes (or fire-roasted tomatoes)

1 cup rainbow quinoa, rinsed

1/2 pint mushrooms, cleaned and chopped

1 small onion

1 small bell pepper

4 cloves garlic

2 cups veggie broth

1/2 cup salsa

4-5T chili powder

1-2T ground cumin

1-2T parsley

1T oregano

Salt & pepper to taste


1/2 cup red wine

1-2T tomato paste

1T Chipotle in Adobe paste

Fresh cilantro

Here's how to do it:

Prep all veggies-- peel, chop, etc.

Toss them in a large pot with a little cooking oil (or veggie broth if oil free). Saute until potatoes start to soften.

Add all other ingredients except chipotle (if using). Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium and cover, stirring occasionally and adding water if needed to keep from drying out.

Once quinoa "springs" are visible and all other veggies are soft, remove from heat, stir in chipotle paste if using, and taste to adjust spice if necessary. Serve, topped with sliced avocado, more fresh cilantro and/or fresh diced tomatoes or sliced radish.

It's yummy on its own or over rice. If you have leftovers, it is a great topping for nachos or baked potatoes. Throw a green salad with some cilantro, tomatoes, fresh corn and avocado-lime dressing on the side and you're all set!

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